Baycrest: Mobile app

The Goal

The goal was to create a UI for a mobile app where the hospital personnel will be able to improve their knowledge and skills in an entertaining and engaging digital environment.


After carefully analyzing Baycrest style requirements, digital mockups and other visual elements of a variety of healthcare products I designed an interface that allows users to choose their level of complexity, resolve different medical cases and earn real money based on their knowledge.

The Result

Engaging, clear and easy to use user interface for a game, that can be played individually or as a team, while final results are posted on the leaderboard.


Stop by Cop: mobile app

The Goal

To facilitate and speed up the process of finding legal help for traffic ticket holders, and to help lawyers to get introduced and compete for their potential clients easily and on time.


After researching a variety of products and solutions available for drivers and lawyers, including roadside assistance, government services, auto repair etc, I came up with a design that helps drivers to avoid frustration and stay calm while seeking for legal help.
At the same time legal companies can make their bids for posted tickets and compete for their clients.

The Result

Friendly and helpful solution that helps to get all necessary legal support easily and on time, while also facilitating the work of traffic agents.

User flow for "Stop by Cop" mobile app

Garage sale finder, UX & UI

The Goal

The goal was to make it easy finding a garage sale and posting a sale of your own, while instantly getting an exposure among potential buyers.

Research & Findings

As a result of user interviews I found out that potential buyers would want to know about upcoming garage sales in advance, and also know the areas where a number of garage sales is taking place, not only one.

The Result

The app shows areas with current sales where user can choose one at time and get details. The search can also be done through product categories and dates. It also has a notification option which can notify the user not only by phone but also by Apple Watch.

Tablet version of Garage Sale Finder.
The app sends a notification about sale near you to your phone as well as to your watch.
Personas, 3 main categories of uses.
User Flow.

UI for Webie CMS

The Challange

The goal was to design a UI for a content management system (CMS) that can easily manage websites of any complexity.


After analyzing the CMSs of our competitors and also UIs of other digital products I designed a system that can be easily adjusted for any website and reflect it's IA. I also wanted to differentiate this system by style, colors and perception in order to make it clean and easy to use.

The Result

Functional UI that is crisp, simple and well structured.


Kilo Food Diary app

The Challange

To create an app that keeps the amount of colories consumed every day under control.

Research & Findings

Besides keeping track of calories, users also wanted to get a warning if they exceed their daily limit.

The Result

The app allows to keep track of all the food and calories consumed, summarazes them, and notifies users if their daily limit is exceeded by displaying a friendly message.


UI for Wendy's internal web application.

The Challange

To design an online shopping system that allows Wendy's franchise companies to browse and purchase corporate promotional materials.


After analyzing Wendy's corporate style guide, branding, website and other materials as well online resources of their competition I came up with a look that matches their corporate policies and contributes into branding and promotion.

The Result

A web app that facilitates the process of purchasing promotional materials, keeps consistency with corporate style, and provides branding and promotion to Wendy's franchise initiatives.


UI for Square One

The Challange

To create a UI for a complex automated stock trading application that is not cluttered, easy to navigate and clear.


As a result of research and analisys of a number of digital financial products I decided to design an interface that will ease the work of a stock trader, and be as clean and simple as possible. It would differentiate this application from other financial instruments and make the work enjoyable and efficient.

The Result

Very light and uncluttered interface that keeps all the functionality in sight.

UI for Square One (Automated stock trading application)

Lunch Up: mobile app

The Goal

To create a UI for an app that provides an easy way to arrange a lunch with peers or with people working nearby.


After researching food industry digital products and solutions, I decided to create very light, friendly and crisp interface that is functional and favorable to business lunch and networking.

The Result

Simplicity and convenience while arranging time and restaurant for a lunch. The app also allows to rate and recommend a venue as well as to see the ratings before visiting it.

Wireframes for Lunch Up